Tuesday, November 22, 2005


So I have been away from this thing lately. Between running/playing on the UC Davis Mens Club Water Polo team and school, I have been very busy. One of my class's ecs140b - programming languages (part 2), I have been doing some work in JR. JR is an extended java that has all sorts of commands built into it for parallel process operations. I must say at first my lack of knowledge on how multiple process sync together made me struggle with the language. But once I got over that hurtle, I must say JR has some very nice features. Creating new process's on remote hosts can be done in two lines of JR code. I am looking forward to writing a pong - win brick hybrid game in JR for my final project in the class.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Ethics of Online Gambling

So I was 'googling' my name the other day and found that a paper I wrote was one of the first links that came up. It is a paper on the ethics of online gambling for the class computer ethics in the information age. I then proceeded to google 'Ethics of Online Gambling' and my paper was FIRST on google, and that is out of 227,000 results. Ha, I have made it to the top. Not bad for a guy who has only taken 2 English class's in college.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Maven plugin for gump

I have almost completed the parsing of the maven descriptor file for all the information that gump needs. I have gone ahead and built the plug-in for gump that will allow gump to build maven projects when the --do-build command is run. The command line call still needs a little fine tuning but things are looking good. So far the only additions one must add for gump to run maven is in the module tag a type="maven" and a optional goal=" mavengoal" may be added.

〈 project href="jakarta-turbine-2/project.xml" type="maven" goal="jar"/

Finally a id config file has been added to gump/util to allow updates of known id mismatches between gump and maven.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Round and round

I am starting to round a first corner where I think I am ready to start testing my first test case. Well test one of my first test case ... failed! :( Well at least gump is listening (It was a gump error not a gump crash). Time to build up some debug code and get test underway.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Maven I read you - gump

Well after a couple hundred print statements I think I have figured out the Gump3 process for parsing workspaces. I have inserted a check for a new maven flag into the gump module file/descriptor that allows maven files to be transformed in gump project files (which I actually create). I have made a skeleton output that gump will run, although many dependences are still waiting to be identified and transposed.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

All connected guess I have to work now

Like any good CS nerd I needed more. Well more for less that is. Cause like any CS student I have no money. So how do you accomplish more for less you ask (in the computing world). Well hold on i am getting there. Its simple

1) borrow
2) borrow (kinda like the first and second rules of fight club but now really)
3) synergy
4) VNC
Alright the quick rundown, I had a 1.3GHz vaio (ya I know ... I was high when I bought it) then borrowed a half working shuttle w/ an AMD 64 bit processor (and got it working) and a half working IBM thinkpad (works most of the time). Then hooked the shuttle (running fedora) to the thinkpad (running XP) over synergy. Next connected the shuttle to the vaio (running XP) over VNC. Hey 3 computers, 2 monitors, and one mouse and keyboard, I am excited. Well i got it working guess I will do some work now.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hey look ... a blog ... quick honey grab the shotgun

Wow, can you believe it, I have been a CSE major for going on 5 years now and this is my first blog/blog post. No wonder I am taking 5 years to get out of school. Anyway I have been and will be, busy at work this summer working on my summer of code project. I am making Gump3 run maven projects! Easy now don't get that excited try and contain yourself.

_ Apache_ GUMP
~ v. 3.0-alpha-3 ~

Anyway after only working on my first open source project for about a week and a half I can say that academia has got some explaining to do. In the thousands of hours of lecture and programs I have done/sat through, academia forgot the lesson plan titled "K, all that crap aside, this is what you are really going to be doing." For which I only have never ending thanks to google for paying me to learn this valued lesson. And people say nothing is free ... hell this one is not only free but I'm gettin paid bitches! (that wasn't directed at anyone cool enough to actually read this). Well I don't want to say everything at once, don't want my first blog post to be my last, so I will go retire now to and run and then maybe a beer.