Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So with all the online AJAX/web 2.0/(cool net catch phrase here) I have been doing lately, I must say Firebug, an extension for firefox is one of the most useful debugging tools I used in a long time. Its very intuitive and allows for quick diagnosis of errors in asynchronous calls which can be tricky to catch. I highly recommend it for anyone doing online development.

Putting JS API's together

Here is an online app that shows off the merging of OpenLayers, CERES, CaSIL, and Google Maps API's and online services. The actual service that generates the land use report should be up soon.


Thursday, August 02, 2007


alright haven't been on this thing forever. I have been doing lots of work with OpenLayers an all javascript mapping tool. I have been running OL w/ google maps base layers and CaSIL WFS overlays. More on this to come.