Monday, January 14, 2008

OpenLayers and getCapabilities

here is a OpenLayers plug-in I am working on ... type in a URL of an OGC standard service. It parses the getCapabilities response for (currently WMS/WFS) services, then shows available layers. These layers can then be dragged (via YUI widgets) to the add layer pane and added to the map. Color and opacity of WFS services can then be modified along with image type and opacity of WMS services. Layer order is determined by the order of the list (drag to reorder).



I hope to wrap this tool up and have the source available via svn at at some point.

**Note: This thing only works in FireFox at the moment.


Anonymous said...

very cool work.
i want to try integrate your tool with geoserver, can you provide svn access, may be it will possible to commit this work to geoserver community.

Justin Merz said...

This is really a proof of concept, no svn. All the js is online (it's all client side parsing) and I am more than happy to point you at the important pieces of code as well as explain anything.