I finished. Well not completely, still one more quarter of school. But with the end of this last quarter I have finished my final Computer Science/Engineering class. My final project was for ECS 152b (computer networks B) for which I wrote a Bulletin Board and Chat Client/Server. It was written in C. We had to create the client and the server from the socket level up. This became interesting when I implemented the second connection for file transfer. See you need to be able to chat and send/receive files at the same time (Which makes since). I used pthreads on the server side and fork client side. Disconnect was my favorite part since the file client and the chat client are two different processes at that point and time did not permit for a nice pipe implementation to be used. Instead the user chat client sent a kill command to the chat server for that clients connection, which sent a kill to the clients file server, who then intern sent a kill to his file server connection. Once the 2 processes and two threads were all ready, they all shut down.
Anyway now that I am done I am putting the final touches on my resume before I send it out. I am excited to finally get to use some of the stuff I have been learning over the last five years. I am going to be a little sad to move out of Davis, but as Steve Zissou says in The Life Aquatic “This is an adventure.”